Mary's Story


Mary Kent smiling for a photo as she mounts a piece of exercise equipment to rehabilitate her knee.

#ThePowerOfPhysicalTherapy is real, just ask Mary.

Mary’s equestrian trainer referred her to Physical Therapist Jordan Redman at our Brannon Crossing center after she shattered her patella.

One of the most important things Mary needed to accomplish was getting back on her horse, so Jordan created a safe set up in the center. As Mary gained her confidence, Jordan joined Mary at her home to complete the goal of mounting her horse. Some of Mary’s other improvements from physical therapy were her range of motion and pain.

She also had improved strength in her quads and hamstrings. 

“I told my surgeon that starting physical therapy was an absolute game changer. I’m so encouraged for my future riding and equestrian abilities,” Mary shared.

We are thrilled you are back on the saddle, Mary. Thank you for trusting us.

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